Hospice Radio with Dr. Zoe A. Lewis interviews Viki on June 14, 10AM pacific

May 24, 2010 by  
Filed under Kind Ethics Radio

Hospice Radio with Dr. Zoë A. Lewis interviews Viki about her new book, The Caregiver’s Path to Compassionate Decision Making – Making Choices for Those Who Can’t on June 14th, 10AM pacific, on http://www.blogtalkradio.com/drzoehospiceradio

Active in both physician and community education on Alzheimer’s disease and end-of-life care for more than 15 years, Dr. Lewis has presented for Medical Grand Rounds, State and National level conferences, and at skilled nursing facilities and nursing and medical schools across the country. In 2009, she was one of many chosen faculty speakers in her area of expertise, ‘dementia and hospice care’, for the National Council on Aging. and has presented in the past for the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization on volunteer service in hospice.

Dr. Lewis is an internist, hospice physician,author, consultant, radio show producer and host and national speaker. She is actively promoting her books, “I Hope They Know: The Essential Handbook of Alzheimer’s Disease and Care,” and “La Guía Holística para la Enfermedad de Alzheimer”. She appears for community service grassroots outreach, often by invitation from the Alzheimer’s Association local chapters at a variety of venues.

“Keep Your Wits! Seasoning For Reasoning”, is her current research project. This is book for Alzheimer Disease Prevention, looking at diet and exercise as possible strategies for prevention. Hope Through Knowledge Resources is a Miami Beach, Florida, privately funded grassroots semi-volunteer coalition, operating as a national web-based resource with newsletter and internet radio program serving as a focus on aging, dementia care and end-of-life care issues. The focus of the community outreach is to meet the needs of consumers, the general public and service providers by describing an array of existing services, programs and resources for the general public.

Website: http://hopethroughknowledge.org/
Books: “I Hope They Know… The Essential Handbook on Alzheimer’s Care”

Order her book in English: http://www.virtualbookworm.com/bookstore/product/I_hope_they_know.html
Order her book in Spanish: http://www.virtualbookworm.com/mm5/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=bookstore&Product_Code=I_Hope_They_Know_SPANISH&Category_Code

Have a kind and respectful day.

Great new guide for when you leave the hospital

May 24, 2010 by  
Filed under Ethics In Action, Featured


Too often we spend a lot of time thinking about going into the hospital but no time thinking about coming home. The hospital discharge process is when patients are vulnerable to misunderstandings and errors. The patient is feeling sick and not able to listen to the instructions, the loved one may or may not be there, and the nurse rushes through the crucial information. If you can, make sure you have a loved one beside you when the nurse goes over the discharge instructions. If you have questions, ask until you get the answers you need. You can even ask the doctor to tell you what you will need to be prepared for when you go home when you are talking about the upcoming surgery or procedure.

Here is a guide to review and use before you think about going to the hospital.


Have a kind and respectful day.

Sandra Haymon interviews Viki Kind on June 15th at 9AM pacific

May 24, 2010 by  
Filed under Kind Ethics Radio

Sandra Haymon interviews Viki Kind on June 15th, at 9AM pacific about her new book, The Caregiver’s Path to Compassionate Decision Making. Listen live or download later at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/sandra-haymon.

Dr. Sandra W. Haymon, a licensed Psychologist, is a renowned expert and speaker on aging and caregiving issues. She is the author of two books: Baby Boomers—Sandwiched Between Retirement & Caregiving http://www.amazon.com/Baby-Boomers-Sandwiched-Retirement-Caregiving/dp/1606968610/ref=sr_1_fkmr0_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1273973131&sr=1-1-fkmr0 and My Turn: Caring for Aging Parents & Other Elderly Loved Ones – a Daughter’s Perspective http://www.amazon.com/My-Turn-Parents-Daughters-Perspective/dp/0965296504/ref=sr_1_fkmr0_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1273973169&sr=1-3-fkmr0. Her latest book: Baby Boomers—Sandwiched Between Retirement & Caregiving is based on Dr. Haymon’s personal experience of having nowhere to turn and everything to learn when her own parents needed care.

This experience motivated her to combine her personal experiences with extensive research to provide others with the answers she wished had been available to her. Baby Boomers is a complete reference guide which addresses retirement concerns, as well as the medical, legal, financial, and emotional issues associated with the elderly and their caregivers. It includes: a complete Resource List of over 250 organizations that provide information and help for the elderly; a Red Flag Checklist intended to help caregivers assess their loved ones’ true level of functioning in order to determine whether they are safe living alone; a Feelings Checklist to help caregivers identify, normalize and validate their feelings, and a glossary of terms used by medical and legal professionals.

Dr. Haymon has been featured on numerous television and radio shows including ABC’s Good Morning America-Sunday, CBS’s Late, Late Night with Tom Snyder, WTBS, Turner Broadcasting and WAGA in Atlanta, GA; Solutions USA–Los Angeles, CA; K-III TV–Corpus Christie, TX; WTOC-TV–Savannah, GA; WFSU–Public Television and WCTV–Tallahassee, FL, CNN–KHNR radio–Honolulu, HI; Radio America–Boston, MA; KKVV radio–Las Vegas, NV; and WCHY radio–Savannah, GA. She was also featured in U.S. News and World Report magazine on the topic of eldercare, and her article entitled Parenting Your Parents–As Well As Your Kids–the Sandwich Generation was featured in Tallahassee Parent Magazine (Summer, 1997).

Dr. Haymon presently offers seminars, workshops and keynote addresses across the United States and Canada on the issues of Elder Care, Retirement and Work Addiction. In her Caregiver/Retirement seminars she addresses personal concerns such as: denial, medical choices, legal decisions, living arrangements, assistance programs, emotional issues, end-of-life concerns, and saying goodbye before and after the death of a loved one. She also includes a plethora of retirement options, financial information, and ways to avoid taxes and probate.

When describing herself Sandra states, with much pride, “I am truly a baby boomer in every respect and count it a blessing to have been born into such an amazing generation of people at the most incredible and wonderful time in the history of the world. We are the great producers, and we will continue to be productive—even if it is called retirement.”


Have a kind and respectful day.

Empowering Caregivers to Make Good Decisions Event in Thousand Oaks – June 12

May 20, 2010 by  
Filed under Ethics In Action

Grand Oaks Senior Living Proudly Presents – Viki Kind, MA

Author of The Caregiver’s Path to Compassionate Decision Making: Making Choices for Those Who Can’t

A Free Educational Seminar for Families and Caregivers
“Empowering Caregivers to Make Good Decisions”

Saturday, June 12, 2010, from 1:30PM to 3:30 PM
Grand Oaks Senior Living
2177 E. Thousand Oaks Blvd., Thousand Oaks, CA 91362
(Note: Please park on Thousand Oaks Blvd.)

Viki’s book will be available for purchase and she will be on hand to sign your copy!
A percentage of proceeds will be donated to the Hospice of the Conejo

Refreshments will be Served
RSVP by June 10, 2010 to 805-370-5400

Have a kind and respectful day.

Helping our patients get the help they need when their senses fail

May 13, 2010 by  
Filed under For Healthcare Professionals

The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) http://www.asha.org

It is so important to make sure that your senior patients get check ups for both hearing and seeing. Don’t assume that the mental changes you are seeing mean there is a brain or psychological issue. Sometimes it is a senses issue. And your patient may or may not know it is happening since it changes happen slowly over time. I didn’t realize that my dad had such poor vision until I sat with him during his eye appointment. Then I understood how much he was missing and how I needed to make sure we modified his space to help him with his visual limitations. I wish the doctor had taken a more proactive approach to helping me with my dad. Instead, he just documented what was happening and moved on to the next patient. I sure could have used his advice and guidance about what this vision loss meant to my dad and how I could help.

Language barriers also create an obstacle to getting what one needs. Unfortunately, I see healthcare professionals discount or ignore someone with speech limitations and turn to the family member instead. I know we are all rushed in medicine but we have to take a stand and say no, I am not going to rush this person through because my patient needs me. It also happens in our day-to-day life when we want someone in front of us in line to hurry up but they can’t because it takes them longer to speak.

Just because people can’t speak well or speak fast, doesn’t mean they shouldn’t have a voice in their lives. There are other ways to communicate. People can write, type, point to words or pictures on a board or sign. Many times it is just about having patience. Having the patience to sit still while the other person finds the words. And what I have found with my hospice work is that people communicate even when they can’t say a word. So, sit still and listen. You make a difference when you do.

Have a kind and respectful day.

Better Hearing and Speech Month – Stop and listen and get people the help they need

May 13, 2010 by  
Filed under For Patients & Families

The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) http://www.asha.org

It is so important to make sure that your aging loved ones get check ups for both hearing and seeing. Oftentimes, a person starts to withdraw and to be less involved in life if he or she is having difficulties being able to hear or see. He or she may not realize things have changed drastically because the changes happen slowly over time. I didn’t realize that my dad had such poor vision until I sat with him during his eye appointment. Then I understood how much he was missing and how I needed to make sure we modified his space to help him with his visual limitations.

Language barriers also create an obstacle to getting what one needs. Too often I see healthcare professionals discount or ignore someone with speech limitations and turn to the family member instead. It also happens in our day-to-day life when we want someone in front of us in line to hurry up but they can’t because it takes them longer to speak.

Just because people can’t speak well or speak fast, doesn’t mean they shouldn’t have a voice in their lives. There are other ways to communicate. People can write, type, point to words or pictures on a board or sign. Many times it is just about having patience. Having the patience to sit still while the other person finds the words. And what I have found with my hospice work is that people communicate even when they can’t say a word. So, sit still and listen. You make a difference when you do.

Have a kind and respectful day.

National Nursing Home Week – This Year’s Theme – “Enriching Every Day”

May 10, 2010 by  
Filed under Ethics In Action

Thank you American Health Care Association for these wonderful ideas about making this week special at your local nursing home and making sure we don’t stop there but work to enrich every day. http://www.ahcancal.org/events/national_nursing_home_week/Pages/Activities.aspx#specialservices

Enrichment through Words…

Grab a Pen and Make a Friend! Do you like to write and receive notes? Then Grab a Pen and Make a Friend! Having a pen pal club is a great way to learn about others and start an enriching relationship through the sharing of stories and interests. All you need for this activity is a pen, paper and “pal.” Of course, pen pal writing could also occur on the internet with e-mail. The activity could be small, with residents writing to other residents or staff. Take it a step further by partnering with another facility, local high school, volunteer group etc. At the end of the week, encourage residents and other participants to reflect on what they learned (or hope to learn) about others. Consider Grab a Pen and Make a Friend a part of every week throughout the year and watch relationships blossom and grow! Don’t forget to order the official 2010 National Nursing Home Week® pens!

Poetry Reading A literary art, poetry can bring deep reflection and comfort, inspire a conversation and enlighten the mind. With a focus on enriching, the act of poetry reading can illuminate the atmosphere of a nursing home through spoken words. Consider hosting a poetry reading at your facility. Have an “open mic” where anyone is welcome to read a poem they select or share their own poem! Family members, friends and others from the community can also listen and share their poetry too. Make it a memorable event with tea and cookies and invite everyone to attend and participate. Afterwards, have a question and answer session or an open discussion.

Don’t forget to advertise this event in the community section of you local newspaper. See the PR Tips for more information.

“Thank You” Note Scavenger Hunt Thank you notes not only show gratitude, but also add a personal touch that can be cherished and remembered for years. This week, encourage residents to write a note of thanks to their favorite staff person or fellow resident. Have them reflect on a characteristic that makes that person unique and put it into words. During the week, ask residents to post or tape the notes all over the facility and have staff members find them and read them out loud to share with everyone during a Staff Appreciation Lunch. Staff can even write a thank you note back!

Share Stories with the Veterans History Project Do you have a veteran in your facility? Consider honoring him or her during NNHW by sharing their story with the rest of the world. The Veterans History Project of the American Folklife Center collects, preserves, and makes accessible the personal accounts of American veterans. Stories can be told through personal narratives, letters, photos and other ways. Stories and materials submitted to The Veterans History Project will be archived and housed within the Library of Congress online database and available to Congress and researchers who visit the Library of Congress. Visit the Library of Congress for more information, registration and tips for hosting a community event in honor of your veteran. To share your veteran’s story online, consider uploading a video on YouTube and sharing it on Facebook!

Enrichment through Music…

American Senior Idol Do you think your residents have what it takes to be the next American Senior Idol? You don’t have to turn on the television to watch stars be born, just look to the talent at your facility! This week, invite residents (and staff too) to sing songs that enrich the heart and the mind. A little healthy competition is always a good way to generate interest and participation in an activity. Everyone can earn a reward for participating (see pages 11-14 for NNHW themed products). Make your American Senior Idol a fun competition by getting other residents and staff involved as judges and inviting the community at large to attend. You can ramp up the excitement by inviting your local high school glee club or show choir to “open” the competition with a performance. Many high schools have a community service requirement in their student curriculum. Check with your local school system for details.

“Senior Prom” A good way to keep up the momentum during NNHW is to have a “Senior Prom.” Bring back those treasured high school memories or create new ones. Try partnering with local high schools to participate in their Prom or host one right in the facility. Allowing young and old to mix and mingle gives new meaning to the phrase “Senior Prom.” This event can create long lasting memories that will be talked about well after graduation!

Don’t forget to advertise this event in the community section of you local newspaper. See the PR Tips page for more information.

Enrichment through Images…

Take Pictures As the activities and fun continue throughout the week encourage residents and staff to make these memories last by taking pictures. Equip them with disposable cameras and encourage all to take a snapshot of their favorite moments. Once you develop the pictures put your creative thinking cap on. There are several ways to use the photos.

You can:

* Post photos in resident rooms and throughout the facility;
* Put together and display a facility-wide collage of all the pictures for all to see;
* Make a slide show and display it in the cafeteria or activity room for as long as you like;
* Encourage residents to share their favorite photo during a group activity; or
* Have a contest to turn the best pictures into a 12 month calendar.

Don’t forget to post your pictures on the NNHW Facebook Fan Page!

Enrichment through Crafts…

Quilt A timeless activity for residents and staff is quilting. This popular pastime allows all participants to chat and learn more about each other while unleashing their creative ability through fabric. Most likely, you already have a quilting superstar in your facility who can help everyone get started. If not, check your local newspaper to contact your nearest quilting club for assistance or get started on your own by visiting How to Make a Quilt. The quilt can be donated to a local library, a homeless shelter, or it could be kept in the facility as a token from the week. A lap quilt is another great idea! Don’t have time to make enough for everyone? Have everyone help to make a smaller number of lap quilts and raffle them off to residents during the “Senior Prom.”

Birthday Boxes Everybody has a birthday, and NNHW is a great time to remember them. Birthday Boxes are a simple idea that can bring tons of cheer throughout the year. During NNHW week, ask residents to decorate their own Birthday Box. These can be tissue boxes, shoe boxes, or any small box with a lid. After the decorating is done, have residents and staff write down special notes about everyone else and put them in the respective Birthday Box. As an alternative, write birthday notes during the birthday week. After all notes are collected in the Birthday Box, read them aloud. Residents can then put their notes in a scrapbook or on their own wall for all to see!

Enrichment through Special Services…

Staff Appreciation Day Make one day all about the staff. Honor staff that strive to make a positive difference in the lives of others. Plan a special lunch in honor of them, invite families and have volunteers from the community serve them. During the lunch have residents tell why their closest caregiver is so important to them. Encourage resident families that have a special bond with staff members to show their appreciation with flowers or gifts. You can even reach out to your local media contact and encourage them to profile an outstanding staff member in a local publication or news cast.

Prayer Service A prayer service can enrich the spirit as well as the heart. During this special week, invite all to attend a special service celebrating the members of the nursing home “family” and to remember those that have passed on. Consult with your facility’s spiritual advisor to arrange the details of the service. This serves as a perfect prelude to a Mothers and Fathers Brunch.

Mothers and Fathers Brunch This Mother’s Day, kick off NNHW by hosting a Mothers and Fathers Brunch. Show all mothers and fathers just how special they are by preparing and serving a delicious meal in their honor. Plan a three course brunch menu, complete with hearty breakfast foods, tasty cheeses and meats.

Complete the brunch with a savory dessert. Involve local boy or girl scouts by having them perform a special salute and then serving all mothers and fathers. It’s a great way to nourish the body while enriching the heart!

Memory Garden Springtime is a perfect time to commemorate the passing of loved ones or friends with a memory garden. Planting a memory garden is a beautiful exercise that can heal the heart. Engage residents and staff in this unique activity by involving them from the get-go. Choose a sunny spot where several people can gather. Personalize the flowers or plants that you select by reflecting on those individuals to be remembered. You may select their favorite flowers or favorite scents. You could also select a plant that symbolizes them in a unique way. For example, a chrysanthemum expresses wonderful friendship while magnolias represent dignity. Forget-me-nots are beautiful flowers that can be planted throughout the garden. You can also include small statues, objects or plaques that carry special meaning.

Join me at Circle of Care Leeza’s Place 4th Anniversary Party – Book Signing and Fundraiser

May 10, 2010 by  
Filed under Ethics In Action

Join me at the Circle of Care Leeza’s Place 4th Anniversary Party!!! May 14th – 3-5PM

Come and celebrate another wonderful year of giving and receiving at Circle of Care Leeza’s Place in Sherman Oak, on May 14th, from 3-5PM. Viki will be signing books and donating a portion of the sale of her new book, The Caregiver’s Path to Compassionate Decision Making – Making Choices for Those Who Can’t to this terrific organization.

Circle of Care Leeza’s Place
5000 Van Nuys Suite 110, Sherman Oaks, CA 91403
818-817-3259 F 818-817-3263

Circle of Care Leeza’s Place is an intimate and safe setting where caregivers and loved ones recently diagnosed with any memory disorder can gather for education and support, and to prepare themselves for the challenging journey ahead. Developed in response to the challenges Leeza Gibbons and her family encountered while seeking specific and needed support, and funded in full by the generosity of our community through the Circle of Care Foundation, Circle of Care Leeza’s Place offers new supportive settings for the purpose of
Educating, Empowering & Energizing.

All programs are FREE OF CHARGE & held on site unless otherwise noted.
Please feel free to contact Stefanie Elkins at 818-817-3259 or selkins@leezasplace.org.

Have a kind and respectful day.

Interview with Terri Corcoran from the Well Spouse Association on May 24, 9am pacific

May 6, 2010 by  
Filed under Kind Ethics Radio

Interview with Terri Corcoran from the Well Spouse Association on May 24, 9am pacific on blogtalkradio.com/kindethics. Terri is the PR Representative, Secretary of Board of Directors and Co-editor of the quarterly newsletter of the Well SpouseTM Association. She is also a full-time caregiver for her husband who suffers from Fragile-X Tremor Ataxia Syndrome, a neurological illness causing progressive physical and mental deterioration.

The Well Spouse™ Association (WSA) is a nonprofit organization which advocates for and addresses the needs of individuals caring for a chronically ill and/or disabled spouse or partner. We offer peer to peer support and educate health care professionals and the general public about the special challenges and unique issues “well” spouses face every day.

WSA was founded in 1988 by a group of 10 who got together as a result of Maggie Strong’s book Mainstay: for the Well Spouse of the Chronically ill, published in 1987. Now the membership is close to 2000.

WSA offers: an online discussion Forum; a quarterly printed newsletter with stories by members; a twice-monthly e-newsletter with caregiving stories and helpful information; local face-to-face support groups throughout the U.S. and some in Canada; respite weekends; mentoring by fellow members; website containing many stories and resources regarding spousal caregiving; an annual conference.

Contact info for Well SpouseTM Association, support for spousal caregivers:
Email: info@wellspouse.org
63 West Main Street, Suite H, Freehold, NJ 07728
Phone: 800-838-0879

Have a kind and respectful day.

Interview with Stefanie Elkins from Leeza’s Place on May 5th, 1PM pacific

April 27, 2010 by  
Filed under Kind Ethics Radio

Interview with Stefanie Elkins on Leeza’s Place on May 5th, 1PM Pacific on blogtalkradio.com/kindethics. Listen live or download it later.

Leeza’s Place is celebrating their 4th anniversary. “A Caregiver’s Oasis” for families that are impacted by a loved one with a memory loss or chronic illness.

Taking care of a loved one with a memory disorder or chronic illness, can be an overwhelming and isolating experience for families. Leeza’s Place is a free community resource and referral center for family caregivers and for individuals with early stages of memory loss. We are a center of strength and purpose, providing help and hope through programs that Educate, Empower and Energize. We connect family caregivers to resources in the community and to each other for support. Leeza’s Place was developed in response to the challenges Leeza Gibbons, radio and TV personality, and her family encountered while seeking specific and needed support as caregivers.

Leeza’s Place teaches caregivers the importance of maintaining their own health while providing care to someone else.
Program Highlights include:
EDUCATION- Monthly caregiver workshops and presentations on a variety of topics related to illnesses and Caregiving.
EMPOWERMENT- Caregiver support groups, memory fitness, bereavement groups and scrapbooking-preserving family memories.
ENERGY- Prevention and wellness activities such as weekly exercise classes, Memory Television – a video production to capture your family history, guided meditation/visualization.

Leeza’s Place success is strongly based on the amazing quality support we get from volunteers/interns who provide various services. Volunteers/Interns serve as support group facilitators, provide on-site respite support during groups, and assist with programs and administrative work. We also seek dedicated individuals to assist with marketing and fundraising.

Stefanie Elkins, MJS, MM Yael Wyte, MSW
Circle of Care Leeza’s Place in Sherman Oaks Leeza’s Place at Olympia Medical Center
818-817-3259, selkins@leezasplace.org 323-932-5414, ywyte@leezasplace.org
5000 Van Nuys Suite 110, 5901 West Olympic Blvd. Suite 300A
Sherman Oaks, CA 91403 Los Angeles, CA 90036
Mon.-Thurs.; 10 am to 6 pm Friday; 10 am to 1pm Mon.,Wed.-Friday; 10am-6 pm Tues; 12-8 pm
Occasional late nights and Saturday’s

Local Leeza’s Place are funded by the generosity of the Circle of Care Foundation (Sherman Oaks) and Olympia Medical Center (Los Angeles).

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