New Edition – Award Winning Caregiver’s Path to Compassionate Decision Making – only at Barnes and Noble
AVAILABLE ONLY at Barnes and Noble Caregiver's Path ebook and print book Recommended by: Journal of Gerontological Social Work Pain Management Nursing Journal Journal of the Catholic Health Association of the United States Alzheimer’s Association Stanford University School of Medicine Chair – Moira Fordyce MD, MB ChB, FRCPE, AGSF, Geriatrician - Adjunct Clinical Professor NAMI Advocate - National Alliance on Mental Illness Harry R. Moody, Ph.D., Director of Academic Affairs, AARP Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation Paralysis Resource Center Muscular Dystrophy Association Journal of Hospital Librarianship (Second edition says “Bonus Material” on the cover.) You know how difficult—even heartbreaking—it can be to make ...

4th Edition Available – Resource Workbook, Visual Tools and Conversation Guide
WORKBOOK AVAILABLE ONLY BY CONTACTING VIKI DIRECTLY I am excited to let you know the 4th edition which has 12 new pages of uniquely designed visual conversation tools is now available. It includes articles, worksheets and templates you can copy and share to help with issues such as evaluating danger, making challenging medical decisions, managing caregiver burnout, and communicating your end-of-life wishes. - Order here or email Viki directly. Resource Workbook, Conversation Guide and Visual Toolkit 135 pages (8½ x 11) Usually $40 - SPECIAL: $34.95 plus sales tax and shipping Table of Contents Section 1: Medical Decision Making Tools Crisis Planning ...

Getting Caregivers to Ask for Help – Viki’s Four-Step Process
Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around. Leo Buscaglia I have never been very good at asking for help and like many family caregivers, I didn’t think that my own needs mattered. Thinking I had to do everything all the time caused me to have two breakdowns; once during my early years of caregiving and again the last year of my caregiving journey. (I was ...

My New Quality-of-Life Statement to Attach to My Advance Directive
The goal of writing a quality-of-life statement is to have it express your personal preferences and to have it sound like you. One of the problems with many of the legal/medical forms is that they all sound alike and they don’t allow your voice to be heard. I encourage you to use the categories I have listed below to express what you would want people to know about you if you were too sick to speak for yourself. You can use some of my language from my document below if you would like but my goal is ...

GO WISH Cards – A wonderful tool to explain what you want if you were seriously ill
Coda Alliance presents the 'Go Wish Game'. It gives you an easy, entertaining way to think and talk about what's important to you if you become seriously ill. The starter game comes with two packs of cards in contrasting colors and instructions for using the cards individually or in pairs. For more information about the game, and to play on-line, visit Reach And Teach Says: "A woman at church came up to us and thanked us for having introduced her to Go Wish. She had given her mother a deck of Go Wish cards and had gone through the deck once with ...

Drowning but can’t reach for a life vest: families, caregivers, doctors, nurses and many others helping professionals
I had such a sad experience recently. I was speaking to a group of doctors and presenting them some techniques to make their lives easier. (This was at a county hospital which deals with the most underprivileged of our community.) I was surprised by how many of the doctors in the room were so resistant to accepting help. I sensed from their comments how burnt out they were and how hopeless they had become. The system they are working under is so broken that they couldn’t imagine that anything could change or be made better. ...

When you are going the wrong way, turn around.
When we are making the decisions for those in our care, it is important to make sure that the decision is still working. You may find that you made the best medical decision you could and then the plan didn’t work. When this happens, it is important to reconsider the treatment plan. Otherwise, you’re driving down the wrong road: You can keep driving and driving, but you will never get to where you are going. You need to stop, ask for new directions and then start down a new path. You may also need to modify your expectations when things ...

Patience – Lessons Learned – Viki’s Journey
Patience – Lessons Learned - Newsletter Quote of the Month: The individual is capable of both great compassion and great indifference. He has it within his means to nourish the former and outgrow the latter. Norman Cousins I love when life reminds me of the lessons that I thought I had learned, but then I find out I need a refresher course. This month’s newsletter is about having patience, but not just your average patience, instead good-natured and seeking to understand patience. There are two parts to this story. The second part first: Two weeks ago I had to make about 50 phone ...

The medical decision is just part of life’s equation.
So many people ask me what they should be thinking about when making medical decisions. Whether you are making your own decisions or having to make decisions for others, there is a lot to think about. Your doctor or your loved one's doctor will talk to you about the medical aspects of any health-related decision. But that doesn’t mean that you are limited to thinking only about medicine. It may be important to consider the financial costs associated with the treatment plan, if the patient’s religion should play a role in the decision and whether there are cultural issues that ...

Great new guide for when you leave the hospital
Too often we spend a lot of time thinking about going into the hospital but no time thinking about coming home. The hospital discharge process is when patients are vulnerable to misunderstandings and errors. The patient is feeling sick and not able to listen to the instructions, the loved one may or may not be there, and the nurse rushes through the crucial information. If you can, make sure you have a loved one beside you when the nurse goes over the discharge instructions. If you have questions, ask until you get the answers you need. ...

Welcome to the combined website for and Although they are distinctly different, they have been interwoven here because they share a common mission: treating each other and ourselves with kindness and respect. Whether it’s empowering caregivers, giving voice to those who need protecting, or resolving conflicts peacefully, Viki helps people find the courage to do the right thing. And with this comes peace of mind. Viki is her name, “Kind.” This website and the KindEthics blog will provide you practical help and solutions for the situations you are facing. Click here for the book, The Caregiver’s Path to Compassionate Decision Making: Making Choices for Those Who Can’t.”
“Viki inspires her audiences with compassion and mesmerizes them with the practical application of her knowledge.”
“Viki is the compassionate and KIND voice of reason for doctors, patients and staff.”
"Viki helped me in my crisis. There was no wait, no down time, and she knew her stuff!"
For Patients & Families

I was fortunate to be interviewed by Jana...

I am so honored that an excerpt from my...

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I am so honored that an excerpt from my...


The goal of writing a quality-of-life statement...
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AVAILABLE ONLY at Barnes and Noble Caregiver’s Path ebook and print book Recommended by: Journal of Gerontological Social Work Pain Management Nursing Journal Journal of the Catholic Health Association of the United States Alzheimer’s Association Stanford University School of Medicine Chair – Moira... [Read more of this review]

The Cards I’ve Been Dealt is a wonderful new resource available for facilitating conversations about the important transitions in a senior’s life or for creating your own amazing second half of life. If you like the Go Wish Cards ( for end-of-life decision making, then you are going to love... [Read more of this review]

By Carole Larkin MA,CMC,CAEd,QDCS,EICS ThirdAge Services LLC in Dallas, Tesas Tips for communicating with a mid-stage (or later) Alzheimer’s patient Ever feel like your loved one is ignoring you or that you just weren’t getting through to your loved one?... [Read more of this review]
Read More Posts From This CategoryAsk Viki

Here are 10 Quick Tips for Crisis Decision Making from my new Resource Workbook and Visual Conversation Toolkit. This is part of the extended Crisis Worksheet found in the workbook. Do something to help yourself calm down. Breathe. 1. Ask how long you really have to make the decision. 2. Get the facts. Call... [Read more of this review]

While it’s very important to create advance directives, its equally important to make sure they’re available when they’re needed. You wouldn’t believe how many times doctors are told, “I know my mom has a healthcare directive but I don’t know where she keeps it.” Without... [Read more of this review]

I have been sending out Kindness Reminders to many people who want to make sure that they reach out to show their love to a person who lives far away, a senior in a care community, or someone who just needs a little tender, loving care. If you would like to sign up for these reminders, sign up at the top right... [Read more of this review]
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Join me as I interview Sherry Lynn Harris about her new book, Adapting to Alzheimer’s: Support for When Your Parent Becomes Your Child, on March 9 at 10AM PDT on–adapting-to-alzheimers. Sherry had the... [Read more of this review]

Wednesday – September 4th at 11AM PDT/2PM EDT on Listen live or download later. Join me as I interview Gary Joseph LeBlanc and Margaret Doerr about the groundbreaking dementia hospital wristbands which... [Read more of this review]

Join me as I interview Insurance Expert, Maura Carley on Dec. 7, 9AM PST/12PM EST on About Maura Carley: Maura Carley MPH, CIC, President and CEO, has extensive background in healthcare. She founded Healthcare Navigation, LLC, a patient advocacy... [Read more of this review]
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