I am honored to be interviewing Terry Kaldhusdal and Mike Bernhagen about the new film, Consider the Conversation – A must see for all of us on April 6 at 2PM PST, 4PM CST on www.blogtalkradio.com

March 24, 2011 by  
Filed under Kind Ethics Radio

This is a “must-see” documentary about the important conversations in life. I am honored to be interviewing Terry Kaldhusdal and Mike Bernhagen about this remarkable film. April 6 at 2PM PST, 4PM CST on www.blogtalkradio.com

About the movie:

Motivated by their personal experiences with loss, two long-time friends – one a hospice educator in rural southern Wisconsin, Mike Bernhagen, and the other a former State Teacher of the Year, Terry Kaldhusdal – decided to join forces in early 2009 to begin a creative journey that has resulted in a film entitled Consider the Conversation: A Documentary on a Taboo Subject.

This project sheds light on the 21st century American struggle with communication and preparation at the end-of-life. It examines multiple perspectives on end-of-life care and includes interviews with patients, family members, doctors, nurses, clergy, social workers, and national experts from around the country. While in production, Mike and Terry donated more than 3,500 hours to the effort which included shooting 70 hours of film and conducting in-depth interviews with 40+ individuals from California, Illinois, Indiana, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, New York, Vermont and Wisconsin. 62 “person on the street” interviews were also conducted in New York City in April of 2010.

The bottom line is that Consider the Conversation does not seek to hand down answers. Instead, it provides something far more important – the questions all of us need to contemplate. That being said, the producers have three goals for this film: 1) to change the current American attitude from one that predominantly views end-of-life as a failed medical event to one that sees it as a normal process rich in opportunity for human development, 2) to inspire dialogue between patient and doctor, husband and wife, parent and child, minister and parishioner, and 3) to encourage medical professionals, healthcare organizations and faith leaders to take the lead in counseling others.

Consider the Conversation was released on DVD via Amazon.com on March 1st and will air on several PBS stations later this year.

“With simplicity and grace, Consider the Conversation leads us to confront, on numerous levels, one of the characteristics common to us all: our mortality. This film is a wonderful catalyst for all of us to engage ourselves and our loved ones in this all-important, but oft-neglected, conversation,” said Nathan A. Kottkamp, Chairman of the upcoming National Healthcare Decisions Day.

Terry Kaldhusdal

This is Terry Kaldhusdal’s fifth documentary film. His previous work includes Thinking Like a Historian, for the Wisconsin State Historical Society, and America’s Kings and Queens, The Gilded Age in Middle America, winner of the Wisconsin Historical Society’s 2010 Public Programs Award. The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel has written that Kaldhusdal’s work is “clear and concise” and added that he has a “passion for learning and a talent for communicating.” Columnist Laurel Walker has called his work “A-plus” and stated that he has “a knack for documenting history.”

In 1991, Terry joined his wife as a classroom teacher and moved from Southern California to Wisconsin. He currently teaches fourth grade at Magee Elementary School in Genesee Depot. He and his students have created documentaries that include the history of the Kettle Moraine School District and personal digital stories on everything from responsibility to the three branches of government. In 2009, one of Terry’s students was featured at the AHA Film Festival in Southern Illinois.

Terry has traveled across his state and across the country as a speaker to improve our
educational system. He was honored in 2006 with the Kohl Fellowship Award and in 2007 as the Wisconsin State Teacher of the Year. Terry resides in Oconomowoc, Wisconsin with his wife, Janet, and their three children.

Mike Bernhagen

Mike Bernhagen is well-acquainted with the American medical system. From 1994 to 2003, he worked in business development with one of the Midwest’s largest integrated healthcare delivery systems and multi-specialty group practices. During this decade, his time and energy were spent focusing on things like “physician incentive compensation plans”, “revenue growth”, “patient acquisition”, and “referral relationship development”. Those priorities changed in late 2003, however, when his mother, Rita, passed away from congestive heart failure and vascular dementia. Watching her slow, physical and cognitive decline as well the struggle of his family and her healthcare providers to deal with the process inspired him to join the hospice movement in 2004.

Since that time, Mike has been on the road working as a hospice advocate. Over the course of that journey, his travels have taken him to countless destinations – clinics, churches, hospitals, nursing homes, assisted living facilities, senior citizen centers, disease specific support groups, and private residences – where he’s talked with literally thousands of people from all walks of life. But, it has been with the dying and their loved ones that his most meaningful and rewarding conversations have taken place. In fact, one of the great lessons he’s learned from terminally ill people is that most are not afraid to die; rather they are afraid of the dying process. Some of the common fears they have are:

•Am I going to suffer?
•Will I be a burden upon my family?
•Will I have to leave my home?
•Will I die alone?
•Will I still get to see my doctor?
•Will I leave unfinished business?

In this documentary film, Mike sees the potential it has to make a difference—both in terms of demystifying the dying experience and encouraging people to begin the conversation about their end-of-life wishes well before the finish line is in sight. Mike currently works as the Director of Community Engagement and Care Partner Relations with Rainbow Hospice Care in Jefferson, Wisconsin. He and his wife, Denise, live in nearby Waukesha along with their two children.

Have a kind and respectful day.

Dennis M. Sandoval, A Professional Law Corporation Proudly Presents The Sixth Annual Inland Empire Caregiver Symposium on April 1 in Riverside, California

March 22, 2011 by  
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Dennis M. Sandoval, A Professional Law Corporation Proudly Presents The Sixth Annual Inland Empire Caregiver Symposium

Friday, April 1, 2011
Time: 8:00 am – 4:30 pm
California Baptist
8432 Magnolia Avenue
Riverside, CA 92504
Copenbarger Dining Room

8:00 Registration
8:30 Opening Remarks
8:45 Making Difficult Decisions for Persons Without Capacity – Speakers: Viki Kind, M.A. and Dennis Sandoval, J.D., CELA
9:45 Morning Break
10:00 Palliative Care – It’s Not What You Might Think – Speaker: Gina Mohr, M.D.
11:00 Improving Outcomes for Non-Compliant Patients – Speaker: Viki Kind, M.A.
Lunch Legacy Planning ? Leaving Behind What is Really Important
Speaker: Dennis Sandoval, J.D.
1:00 End of Life Decision Making – Speakers: Viki Kind, M.A. and Dennis Sandoval, J.D.
2:00 Dealing With Life Loss – Speaker: Victoria Stephan, M.A.
3:00 Afternoon Break
3:15 Helping Families with Care Transitions – Speaker: Paul Velen, M.S., MFT
4:15 Closing Remarks

Academy of Florida Elder Law Attorneys presents the ELDER CONCERT 2011 on Friday, March 25, 2011 – Ft. Lauderdale Marriott North Saturday and on March 26, 2011 – Crowne Plaza Tampa Westshore

March 22, 2011 by  
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Academy of Florida Elder Law Attorneys presents the ELDER CONCERT 2011
Friday, March 25, 2011 – Ft. Lauderdale Marriott North
Saturday, March 26, 2011 – Crowne Plaza Tampa Westshore

7:45 – 9:00am Registration
7:45 – 9:00am Continental Breakfast
(plenary session room)
10:15 – 10:45am Refreshment Break with exhibitors
10:45am – 12:00pm Session Two – Concurrent Workshops
A. Long Term Care Insurance and LTCI “Partnership” Plans: Info and Discussion on
relationship to Medicaid Planning, Financial Planning and Fiduciary Responsibility
B. “Upside Down” Real Estate Problems & Solutions (FT LAUD ONLY)
C. Elder Care Mediation: Learn and discuss this increasingly hot approach for Elder Law
Attorneys, Guardians, Fiduciaries, Health Care providers and Care Facilities to resolve
client problems.
D. Geriatric Care Assessment, Care Plan Development and how Elder Law Attorneys,
Estate Planners, Fiduciaries, Guardians and Care Managers can utilize these tools
E. Funerals, Pre-Paid Plans, Medicaid Planning and Guardianship Issues
12:00 – 1:15pm Luncheon
Speaker: Vicki Kind with Compassionate Care (Sponsored by The Guardian Pooled Trust)
1:30 – 2:45pm Session Three – Concurrent Workshops
A. Medicaid Diversion Waiver Update and Discussion
B. “Upside Down” Real Estate Problems & Solutions (TAMPA ONLY)
C. The New National Health Care Legislation: Update and Discussion
D. Elder Mediation: Learn and discuss this increasingly hot approach for Elder Law
Attorneys, Guardians, Fiduciaries, Health Care providers and Care Facilities to resolve
client problems (FT LAUD ONLY)
E. Types of Guardianship and Transition from Voluntary to Involuntary
F. Understanding Long Term Care Facilities: Gaining Admission, Financing the stay and
Maintaining quality care.
2:45 – 3:00pm Refreshment Break with exhibitors
3:00 – 4:15pm Session Four – Concurrent Workshops
A. The New National Health Care Legislation: Update & Discussion
B. Geriatric Care Assessment, Care Plan Development and how Elder Law Attorneys,
Estate Planners, Fiduciaries, Guardians and Care Managers utilize these tools.
C. Dealing with difficult Elder Law or Estate Planning Clients, Wards and Guardians
8:45 – 9:00am Opening Remarks
9:00 – 10:15am Session One – Plenary Session
A panel of leading experts facilitates a discussion on how to prevent, identify and redress elder
D. Medicaid Diversion Waiver Update and Discussion
E. Challenge of keeping documents up-to-date amongst all support professionals

Jessica Brill Ortiz – The Consumer Voice, “Empowered, Effective and Independent Family Councils,” on March 21, 9AM PST/12PM EST

March 10, 2011 by  
Filed under Kind Ethics Radio

Join me as I interview, Jessica Brill Ortiz, program director of The National Consumer Voice for Quality Long-Term Care as we discuss: “Empowered, Effective and Independent Family Councils,” on March 21, 9AM PST, 12PM EST on blogtalkradio.com/kindethics.

The National Consumer Voice for Quality Long-Term Care was founded in 1975 out of public concern for the quality of care in nursing homes by Elma L. Holder as the National Citizens’ Coalition for Nursing Home Reform (NCCNHR). The Consumer Voice advocates for public policies that support quality care and quality of life in all long-term care settings. The Consumer Voice also advocates for a strong, sufficient direct-care workforce and promotes best practices in delivering quality care. The Consumer Voice represents consumers and advocates who define and achieve quality for people with long-term care needs. They accomplish these efforts through:

Advocating for public policies that support quality of care and life;
Empowering and educating consumers and families;
Training and supporting individuals and groups to advocate for and empower consumers; and
Promoting the critical role of direct-care workers and best practices in quality-care delivery.

Under federal law, family members in a long-term care facility can join together to form a united consumer voice which can communicate concerns to facility administrators and work for resolutions and improvements by forming an independent family council. Family councils can play a crucial role in voicing concerns, requesting improvements, supporting new family members and residents and supporting facility efforts to work for high quality of care and life in the facility. Family councils also have many rights defined under the 1987 Nursing Home Reform Act. For example, when a family group exists, the facility must listen to the views and act upon the grievances and recommendations of residents and families concerning proposed policy and operational decisions affecting resident care and life in the facility. The Consumer Voice has resources, information and opportunities for family councils; visit www.theconsumervoice.org to learn more. The Family Council Center contains information, tips and tools such as fact sheets, ways to take action, sample council materials, opportunities and more.

Have a kind and respectful day.

Association for Gerontology in Higher Education’s Conference, taking place in Cincinnati, OH from March 17–20, 2011

March 10, 2011 by  
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Association for Gerontology in Higher Education’s 36th Annual Meeting and Educational Leadership Conference, taking place in Cincinnati, OH from March 17–20, 2011. http://aghe.org/833179

Viki will be presenting Empowered Decision Making for Those Without Capacity on Friday, March 18 from 3-4:30.

The Association for Gerontology in Higher Education (aka AGHE) is the international leader in advancing education on aging and is the only institutional membership organization devoted primarily to gerontology and geriatrics education since 1974. AGHE’s mission is two-fold: (1) To advance gerontology and geriatrics education in academic institutions; and (2) To provide leadership and support of gerontology and geriatrics education faculty and students at education institutions.

AGHE and its members are strongly committed to the well-being of older adults. Together, AGHE and aging-studies programs in institutions of higher education strive to:

(1) preparing service delivery personnel who will work directly with older adults;
(2) training educators who specialize in the physical, psycho-social, and policy domains of aging;
(3) educating the society at large about the processes of aging and the implications of an aging society; and
(4) instructing older adults seeking to maximize their options in a complex and challenging age.

AGHE is the Educational Unit of The Gerontological Society of America.

Have a kind and respectful day.

Caregiver Resource Day at the Santa Clarita Valley Senior Center on March 19 from 8:30-1

March 10, 2011 by  
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Caregiver Resource Day

Viki will be speaking at the Santa Clarita Valley Senior Center’s annual event which provides support, education, and resources to caregivers – will be held on Saturday, March 19, from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Senior Center, located at 22900 Market Street in Santa Clarita. With its title sponsor Comfort Keepers In-Home Care, the free symposium will provide information and advice from leading experts, including a noted Alzheimer’s researcher and a bioethecist. Registration, networking, and breakfast begin at 8:30 a.m. with lectures commencing at 9 a.m. Free adult day care is available during this event but requires advance registration. The event is open to community members 18 years of age and older. Care-giving-related businesses are invited to host vendor tables at the event and/or provide sponsorship.

For further information about Caregiver Resource Day please contact SuzAnn Nelsen or Diana Sevanian at 661-255-1588. You may also email them at snelsen@scvsc.org or dsevanian@scvsc.org.

Have a kind and respectful day.

The Alzheimer’s Association of Cincinnati is hosting Viki Kind – “Empowering caregivers who are making the difficult decisions” Thursday, March 17 from 6:30-8PM EST

March 10, 2011 by  
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The Alzheimer’s Association of Cincinnati is hosting Viki Kind – “Empowering caregivers who are making the difficult decisions” on Thursday, March 17 from 6:30-8PM EST

The Kenwood by Senior Star
5435 Kenwood Road
Cincinnati, OH 45227

RSVP: (513) 721-4284

Click here for a brochure about all of the services available from the Alzheimer’s Association in Cincinnati http://www.alz.org/cincinnati/documents/ProgramsServicesBrochure2011.pdf

Have a kind and respectful day.

Coalition for Compassionate Care – Building a Community of Caring – CCCC 3rd Annual Conference on March 16 from 8-4:45

March 7, 2011 by  
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Coalition for Compassionate Care – Building a Community of Caring – CCCC 3rd Annual Conference

Los Angeles Marriott Hotel Burbank Airport
2500 Hollywood Way
Burbank, CA 91505

Wednesday March 16, 2011 from 8:00 AM to 4:45 PM PDT

Join doctors, nurses, social workers, administrators and lawyers from around the state to discuss the latest cutting-edge issues in end-of-life care. Learn the latest advancements in end-of-life care, connect with others in your profession, see the newest available resources, and expand your understanding of compassionate care.

Speakers include:

David Kessler, a well-known expert on hospice, dying and grieving, talking about his latest book, Visions, Trips, and Crowded Rooms: Who and What You See Before You Die.

Joanne Lynn, MD, MA, MS, one of the first hospice physicians in the US and a major contributor to research and policy on care for the last phase of life, discussing how to build a local end-of-life community.

Mary Cadogan, DrPH, RN, NP, a gerontological nurse practitioner and professor at UCLA School of Nursing, outlining the latest research on CPR.

LaVera Crawley, MD, MPH, Assistant Professor at the Stanford University Center for Biomedical Ethics, examining culturally sensitive end-of-life choices.

Plus three California authors who have recently published books on end-of-life care. (Viki is one of the featured authors.)

Pre-Conference Workshop

Building Bridges: Culture and End-of-Life Care
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Lunch & Registration: 11:30am
Program: 12:00pm – 4:30pm

Have a kind and respectful day.

Pasadena Highlands – Grand Opening of Focused Care – dedicated to residents needing memory care

March 4, 2011 by  
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Join me as I will be speaking at the Grand Opening of Focused Care – Pasadena Highland’s memory care center on March 11 from 3:30-4:30. Open House from 3-6.

Pasadena Highlands is excited to announce the opening of a secure Alzheimer’s/Memory Care unit that will accommodate about 15-18 residents. Focused Care is all inclusive and the rates will be $4500 to $6000 per month.

Friday, March 11, 3pm to 6pm

Viki Kind will be speaking on “Empowered Decision Making for those with Dementia” 3:30pm – 4:30pm

Please RSVP by March 8th, (626) 791-1981

(626) 791-1981

Pasadena Highlands

1575 E. Washington Blvd.

Pasadena, CA 91104

Have a kind and respectful day.

National Nursing Ethics Conference Advocacy – Making a Difference for Patients March 24-25, 2011

March 1, 2011 by  
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National Nursing Ethics Conference
Advocacy – Making a Difference for Patients
March 24-25, 2011

The American Nurses Association and Ethics of Caring are collaboratively sponsoring the National
Nursing Ethics Conference in Los Angeles, CA at the Hilton Universal City.
The two-day meeting focuses on ethical issues that abound in today’s healthcare. Recognizing that
there is little time to discuss or attempt to resolve the conflicts they cause, the conference provides
an opportunity for in-depth engagement with these issues. Additionally, research demonstrates that
moral distress mounts when professionals do not advocate for what they believe is right. By promoting
informed discussion, this conference will provide participants with the vision and skills necessary for
effective advocacy.

Register Now
National Nursing Ethics Conference

Nursing Contact Hours
A maximum of 15.9 contact hours will be awarded to nurses who successfully complete the conference.
The American Nurses Association Center for Continuing Education and Professional Development is
accredited as a provider by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.
ANCC Provider Number 0023. ANA is approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider
Number 6178.

If you have problems registering please contact Lauren Siri @ 310 794-6219 or lsiri@mednet.ucla.edu

Have a kind and respectful day.

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