November 5, 2012 by Viki Kind
Filed under For Patients & Families
Helping people care for loved ones with Alzheimer’s disease
LOS ANGELES, CA – The holidays are a time full of celebration, joy and special occasions with family and friends. But for people living with Alzheimer’s disease the season can present special challenges. The Alzheimer’s Association, California Southland Chapter has prepared “Home For The Holidays,” a handy guide with tips and advice for families caring for a loved one with Alzheimer’s disease.
The guide shows how, with careful planning, family celebrations can be a meaningful part of the holidays while ensuring safety, comfort and enjoyment for everyone. Its purpose is to help alleviate some of the stress associated with the additional activities and changes in routine at this time of year.
“Home for the Holidays” is available by calling the Chapter’s 24-hour helpline at (800) 272-3900.
Anyone with questions about Alzheimer’s disease is encouraged to call. Experts are available to speak with people who are concerned with their own cognitive health, and can assist family members and friends seeking information or resources for loved ones.
Highlights from the Alzheimer’s Association “Home for the Holiday” Guide:
Caregiving responsibilities layered on top of keeping up with holiday traditions can take their toll on Alzheimer families, especially on the caregivers. With some preparation, your celebrations can be filled with joy and magical moments to cherish.
Adjust your expectations
No one, including yourself, should expect you to maintain every holiday tradition or event.
Give yourself permission to do only what you can reasonably manage
Choose holiday activities and traditions that are most important to you
Host a small family dinner instead of a throwing a big holiday party
Consider serving a catered or takeout holiday meal. Many grocery stores and restaurants offer meals to go.
Start a new tradition. Host a potluck dinner where family or friends each bring a dish
Involve the affected individual in holiday festivities
People with memory loss can often share in activities. Here are a few ideas:
Wrap gifts
Bake favorite holiday recipes together. The person can stir batter or decorate cookies.
Set the table. Avoid centerpieces with candles and artificial fruits and berries that could be mistaken for edible
Talk about events to include in a holiday letter
Prepare simple foods such as appetizers
Read holiday cards you receive together
Look through photo albums or scrapbooks. Reminisce about people in the pictures and past events.
Watch a favorite holiday movie together
Sing seasonal carols or read passages from favorite books
When the individual lives in a care facility
A holiday is still a holiday whether it is celebrated at home or at a care facility. Here are some ways to celebrate together:
Join your loved one at the facility-planned holiday activities
Bring a favorite holiday food to share
Sing holiday songs. Ask if other residents can join in.
Read a favorite holiday story or poem out loud
For more tips and information, visit the Alzheimer’s Association Web site ( or call (800) 272-3900.
The Alzheimer’s Association is the world’s leading voluntary health organization committed to research, care and support for those living with Alzheimer’s disease and their families. For 30 years, the California Southland chapter has provided critical services and programs to thousands of families in Los Angeles, Riverside and San Bernardino counties. These services and programs include care consultation, support groups, the Medic Alert® + Alzheimer’s Association Safe Return® Identification Registry, and a 24-hour Helpline for information and referral at (800) 272-3900. The Alzheimer’s Association also provides education for health care professionals, caregivers and the general public; advocacy for improved public policy and legislation; and financial support to increase research to find the cause and cure for this devastating disease. For more information, visit
Documents and/or Photos available for this release:
PDF of News Release, “Home for the Holidays”
PDF of “Home for the Holidays” booklet
To view supporting documents and/or photos, go to and enter Release ID: 314642
April 13 – An Evening with Viki Kind – Austin, Texas, 6:30 PM Presentation sponsored by the Alzheimer’s Association of Texas and Austin Groups for the Elderly
April 8, 2011 by Viki Kind
Filed under Ethics In Action
April 13 – An Evening with Viki Kind – Austin, Texas, 6:30 PM
Presentation sponsored by the Alzheimer’s Association of Texas and Austin Groups for the Elderly.
The Alzheimer’s Association-Capital of Texas Chapter is a non-profit organization that provides family support, community education, public awareness and supports research for the prevention, cure and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders.
Their mission is to provide leadership to enhance care and support services for individuals and their families while supporting the advancement of research to eliminate Alzheimer’s disease. Their vision is a world without Alzheimer’s disease.
Austin Groups for the Elderly is a non-profit organization empowering caregivers, the elderly and their families through education, advocacy, resources and support.
RSVP to 512.241.0420 or email
Have a kind and respectful day.
The Alzheimer’s Association of Cincinnati is hosting Viki Kind – “Empowering caregivers who are making the difficult decisions” Thursday, March 17 from 6:30-8PM EST
March 10, 2011 by Viki Kind
Filed under Uncategorized
The Alzheimer’s Association of Cincinnati is hosting Viki Kind – “Empowering caregivers who are making the difficult decisions” on Thursday, March 17 from 6:30-8PM EST
The Kenwood by Senior Star
5435 Kenwood Road
Cincinnati, OH 45227
RSVP: (513) 721-4284
Click here for a brochure about all of the services available from the Alzheimer’s Association in Cincinnati
Have a kind and respectful day.
The Center for Memory Disorders in Orlando, Florida, is hosting a workshop by Viki Kind on January 26, 2011, from 2 PM to 4 PM.
January 24, 2011 by Viki Kind
Filed under Uncategorized
The Center for Memory Disorders in Orlando, Florida, is hosting a workshop by Viki Kind on January 26, 2011, from 2 PM to 4 PM. This program is presented by the Alzheimer’s Association, Central and North Florida Chapter, The Center for Memory Disorders and Visiting Angels.
Please RSVP to 1-800-272-3900 or 407-951-7992
Free Respite Care is available, CEU’s available for nurses.
Wouldn’t it be a relief to know that you are making the right decisions and doing right by the person in your care? “Empowering Caregivers to Make the Difficult Decisions” is a free two hour workshop led by Viki at The Center for Memory Disorders in Orlando, Florida, on Wednesday, January 26, from 2:00 pm to 4:00 p.m.
The mission of the Center for Memory Disorders is to provide a non-profit, integrated approach to the diagnosis, treatment and support of patients with memory disorders, through the use of professional services, cutting-edge therapies and caregiver respite.
The Center recognizes that chronic, pervasive illness is not only a problem for patients and families, but a concern for the entire community. The Center’s vision is for a community outreach program which will educate, treat and thereby positively impact the overall quality of life of persons suffering from Alzheimer’s and related dementias. The Center’s goals are to provide medical diagnostics, treatments and ancillary services, in conjunction with family education and interventions, the totality of which will result in correct diagnosis and treatment at an earlier stage in the disease process.