Dale Carter – Speaking / Book Tour to Benefit You & Your Aging Parent in Georgia and Florida
January 19, 2011 by Viki Kind
Filed under Uncategorized
Dale Carter – Speaking / Book Tour to Benefit You & Your Aging Parent in Georgia and Florida
Thank you to Benton House and Arden Courts senior living communities for hosting Dale Carter’s presentations and book signings in Atlanta and Florida, January 25th through February 3rd.
If you are in the following areas and have an aging parent, I encourage you to attend! Dale will be highlighting key parts of her book, “Transitioning Your Aging Parent: A 5 Step Guide Through Crisis & Change.”
Learn how to:
• Make the right decision in time of crisis
• Balance the needs of your parent and yourself
• Build your support network
You’ll walk away with strategies, tips and resources that are relevant to your situation and your family.
The seminars are free of charge. However, tickets are required due to the expected demand. To secure your tickets contact the community of interest below.
• Tuesday, January 25th, 6 p.m. Benton House-Sugar Hill 770-904-0099
• Wednesday, January 26th, 6 p.m. Benton House-Johns Creek (at Ocee Library) 770-754-5446
• Thursday, January 27th, 6 p.m. Benton House-Douglasville 770-942-9449
• Tuesday, February 1st, 10:30am. Arden Courts, Largo 727-559-8411 (or email largo@arden-courts.com)
• Wednesday, February 2nd, 6 p.m. Benton Village-Palm Coast 386-445-3500
• Thursday, February 3rd, 6 p.m. Benton House-Titusville 321-383-2112
Have a kind and respectful day.
How to Deal with Change for Aging Parents!! Dale Carter’s new book
August 31, 2010 by Viki Kind
Filed under Ethics In Action
How to Deal with Change for Aging Parents?
New Book Addresses Issues and Solutions for a Peaceful Transition
SOUTH BEND (August 26, 2010) – According to the U.S. Census Bureau, there are 77 million Baby Boomers. Many Boomers are dealing with the challenge of the changing needs of an aging parent – or they soon will. The experts advise not waiting for a crisis to become educated and prepared. Where to start?
Eldercare advocate, speaker and coach Dale Carter presents the ADAPT method in her newly published book, Transitioning Your Aging Parent: A 5 Step Guide Through Crisis & Change. Developed from her personal and professional experience, Carter created the ADAPT method as a clear-cut process for families to follow in time of transition to ensure the needs of the parent, the family and their own are met. Whether an aging parent is facing a health crisis, an unsafe living situation or isolation, the ADAPT method provides a straightforward process that allows caregivers to understand the parent’s needs. It also helps to get family members on the same page, find the right resources and make the needed changes, all while respecting the needs of the parent and self.
While the ADAPT method is the core element of Carter’s book, examples and personal stories are woven throughout and includes an extensive list of references and resources. One of the key features of the book is its concise presentation and usefulness as a reference book. “This is a book you can read in one sitting, and then refer to it on numerous occasions as questions arise,” notes Michael Allard, Director of Operations, Principal Senior Living Group.
“My experience helping my own mother through a major health/life crisis was overwhelming. I drew upon my experience as an educator and project manager to put structure around the situation, find the right resources and support, and involve all of our family members,” notes Dale Carter, founder of TransitionAgingParents.com and author of Transitioning Your Aging Parent. “I later realized it was my approach and process that helped us make the right decisions, and I was inspired to share my experience in my book.”
In Transitioning Your Aging Parent, readers will learn how to:
- “Actively” listen to your parent and clearly understand your parent’s situation.
- Measure your own capacity.
- Know who to involve in decision making.
- Reach consensus.
- Create a plan for transition.
- Find experts and resources that will help your plan succeed.
- Help carry out the plan and help your parent adjust to the changes.
Transitioning Your Aging Parent is not a quick fix for problems with an aging parent. Even though the ADAPT method appears clear and straightforward, each step involves a lot of hard work. “None of this is easy,” says author Carter. “But, know that each transition is an opportunity to meet the needs of your aging parent and help your bond grow stronger.”
For more information on Transitioning Your Aging Parent, visit www.transitionagingparents.com. The book is available online. To order directly from the publisher, contact: www.lulu.com. Transitioning Your Aging Parent retails for $14.95.
# # #
As eldercare advocate, author, speaker and coach, Dale Carter is an advocate for our elderly by reaching out to their adult children. In 2009, she founded Transition Aging Parents (TransitionAgingParents.com). In providing relevant information and insight to adult children, she enables them to help their aging parents “thrive and find joy in every stage of life.” Through her radio show, e-courses, articles, and presentations, Dale helps family caregivers respond to the challenges of caregiving, as well as find purpose and fulfillment in what is truly some of the most important work of their lives.
Dale is a member of the American Society on Aging and the Gerontology Consortium of Michiana. She holds an MBA from Indiana University, a Bachelor of Science degree in Education from North Carolina State University, and certification as a project management professional.
She resides with her husband in South Bend, Indiana. Besides eldercare advocacy, her other passion is Board service with the Bridge of Hope St. Joseph County, a program serving single mothers in need.
A 5 Step Guide through Crisis & Change
Dale Carter
ISBN: 978-0-557-44740-4
May 2010
MEDIA NOTE: ADAPT Fact Sheet, Tip Sheets, and Interviews/Book Photography are Available Upon Request.
Viki interviews Dale Carter, author of Transitioning Your Aging Parent: A Five Step Guide Through Crisis and Change, on June 18th at 9AM PST.
June 3, 2010 by Viki Kind
Filed under Kind Ethics Radio
Interview with Dale Carter, author of Transitioning Your Aging Parent: A Five Step Guide Through Crisis and Change, on Friday, June 18th at 9AM PST. You can call in to listen live or to ask questions at (347) 945-5152 at blogtalkradio.com/kindethics.
It is my pleasure to interview Dale as she discusses her new book, Transitioning Your Aging Parents. It was written to help adult children and families navigate the many changes their aging parents will face. Dale Carter has developed a new framework, ADAPT, from her personal experience, her background as an educator and project manager, and a sincere desire to help families and their aging parents. Readers will learn how to use the framework, apply specific strategies, and seek out appropriate resources that are right for their situation. Personal stories are woven throughout to illustrate the concepts.
–Discover how to approach any change or crisis in your parent’s life with clarity and confidence.
–Discover how this new framework will guide you in making the right decisions for your parent while balancing your own personal needs and family responsibilities.
“It’s almost as though you took all my years of training and managed to put order to it. The ADAPT method of caregiving will decrease stress and give great comfort to families in the eldercare world. My fear is that we can’t get it out to people fast enough.”
~ P.K. Beville, M.S., Founder, Second Wind Dreams & Geriatric Specialists
Dale’s website – http://www.transitionagingparents.com/
Have a kind and respectful day.
Choices: Senior Living Options’ Telesummit – Registration Open
October 29, 2009 by Viki Kind
Filed under Ethics In Action
Do you have an aging parent?
Are you a caregiver of an elderly person?
Are you thinking ahead to your own later years?
Four experts will be joining Dale Carter to discuss 4 varieties of senior living options.
Mark Hager, Jill Gilbert, Lisa Sneddon and Eleanor Feldman Barbera.
By the end of this Telesummit, you’ll walk away with a clear comparison and understanding of the following major senior living options.
- Aging in Place
- Continuing Care Retirement Community (CCRC)
- Assisted Living
- Nursing Home
Check your knowledge of Senior living options. Answer True or False.
- You need to focus on selecting the one right Senior living option for your parent or yourself for the rest of their/your life.
- “Aging in Place” is just about home modifications.
- Continuing Care Retirement Communities are just for the wealthy.
- Nursing homes are places of institutional care where physical needs are met. You should not expect much more.
All 4 statements are false. While these experts will dispel common myths and provide detailed information, they will provide so much more.
The four experts will share their positive vision of aging and how we can partner with our aging parents and families in making the right decision at this point in time in our parent’s life, as well as preparing for the future.
For dates/times… and to reserve your spot for this telesummit go to, http://www.transitionagingparents.com/choicesseniorlivingoptions/
Monday, November 2, 2009 8 pm Eastern
Tuesday, November 3, 2009 8 pm Eastern
Wednesday, November 4, 2009 8 pm Eastern
Thursday, November 5, 2009 8 pm Eastern
Although each session will feature Q&A at the end, feel free to email Dale questions in advance to dale.carter@transitionagingparents.com
Viki Kind interviews Dale Carter, “When you get that emergency call about your loved one being ill.” Tuesday, May 5th at 11AM, PST. www.blogtalkradio.com/kindethics
April 30, 2009 by Viki Kind
Filed under Kind Ethics Radio
Viki Kind interviews Dale Carter, “When you get that emergency call about your loved one being ill.” Tuesday, May 5th at 11AM, PST. www.blogtalkradio.com/kindethics
Dale Carter has had personal experience getting the call that her mom was ill in another state. And the panic and helplessness it caused. Now she is another year wiser and more experienced and would like to share what she has learned.
About Dale Carter
* long-distance caregiver to her elderly mother
* founder of the blog, Transition Aging Parents
* author of the Ecourse, “Five Essential Strategies to Help your Aging Parent Face Change”
* mentor on the new social networking site, TheCircle.org (launching May 1st)
* nursing home volunteer
Dale created Transition Aging Parents blog as a way to share my experience and reach out to other adult children of aging parents. Dale provides insight and shares information and resources to help adult daughters and sons ensure their aging parents “thrive and find joy in every stage of life”.
Dale believes one of the most important gifts we can give our parents is to educate ourselves and be our parent’s advocate and ally.