Are you interested in becoming a legal nurse? Patricia Coonan will tell you what you need to know to transition into this rewarding profession. August 10, 2pm pacific on

August 3, 2009 by  
Filed under Kind Ethics Radio

Are you no longer able to be a nurse due to latex allergies, a back injury or are you just looking for something with more flexibility.  You may want to consider becoming a legal nurse consultant and putting all of your knowledge and compassion into helping others in a new way.  Patricia Coonan will be answering your questions regarding how to transition into the rewarding career of legal nurse consulting. Call in to listen live at (347) 945-5152 or listen online at

Patricia been a RN for 24 years and Legal Nurse since 1997. She works for the Beasley Firm as an In-House Consultant and Legal Assistant. If you are being sued, she is the person that would go through the medical records to see what happened and if you have deviated from the Standards, Protocols and Industry Practices and if you may be negligent.

Patricia has also created a training program for those nurses interested in going into the legal field. If you are interested, you can find her products on eBay under Prrn12 or at or at

You can follow her on Twitter: pcRN or reach her at

For legal help, The Beasley Firm website is and their offices are as follows:
The Beasley Building
1125 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19107
Phone (215) 592-1000
Fax (215) 592-8360
3000 Atrium Way
Suite 258
Mount Laurel, NJ 08054
Phone (856) 273-6966
Fax (856) 273-6913
Have a kind and respectful day.

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